Registration form for Enhanced (Release 2/940320) ------------------------------------------------- Return this order form and payment (US$10, cash only) to: SophistiChaos Game Design c/o Hans Persson Alsattersgatan 4B S-582 48 Linkoping Sweden When you register, we will send you a disk with the latest release of Enhanced along with a hint booklet and the complete source code (requires TADS 2.1). We can only accept payment in cash since checks and credit cards will cost us as much to cash as the registration fee is worth. We can, however, accept cash in any currency (bank notes only -- no coins!). If you don't have US$, just check the exchange rate and figure out what the equivalent amount is in your local currency and send that instead. Computer: [ ] Mac (800K) [ ] MS-DOS 3.5" [ ] MS-DOS 5.25" (1.2 MB) [ ] Other computer (Model: __________________) (Game file only available via Internet.) Your address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ E-mail address: ___________________________________ (If you include an e-mail address, we will notify you when we release new versions of Enhanced or new games.)